Monday, December 17, 2012

POL Super Prep Mode!!

STORIES DUE!!!!  Everyone gets the benefit of the doubt.  After today, the story is late and will be graded accordingly.

Goal for the day:  Get your entire presentation together by the end of the day today.  Make sure all your notecards are prepared, your evidence is gathered, and you are ready for a rehearsal/critique tomorrow!

Emily:  Critique
1. Follow along on the rubric:  Does she include all necessary elements?
2. What does she do well?
3. What could be improved upon?

If you did not get my email or check my DP, scroll down to Friday's post and do the work for the reflective questions.  Remember T, E, A!!!  If you worked on your POL over the weekend, go ahead and finish up the remaining notecards for the intro and conclusion (below).

Introduction/Hook Options:
What do you like about Animas?
How do you feel you are growing overall?
Is there an anecdote that you could tell that demonstrates the significance of your experience as a student here?

Now that you have prepared your notecards, what is the best way to end your presentation?
Where do you want to leave your audience?
Are there a few impactful sentences that could sum it all up for your panel?
Where are you going next as an Animas student?
How have you changed overall as a result of your experience here?

If your presentation is ready, feel free to partner up or group up and practice with each other.  Time each other.  Tomorrow is the official critique, but meanwhile, practice makes perfect!