Thursday, May 23, 2013

TPOL Critique and Refinement/Student Feedback Survey

Critique your group member's presentations using the criteria we have been practicing all week.
1.  Time each other!!!
2.  Look for elements of content (if things are missing, let the presenter know).

  • hook/metaphor/theme
  • answer to focusing question
  • evidence

3.  Score presenter with rubric.  Note...

  • Strengths:  What are they doing well?
  • Refinements:  What should they do to improve?
  • Why did you score him/her how you did?

Please take the time to fill out my Student Feedback Survey!!!  It is VERY important to me what you guys thought of my class this year, and your feedback helps to shape my teaching and curriculum.  Please and thank you!

Thanks for this magical year!  It has been my great pleasure to be your teacher this year.  Pura vida!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

TPOL Model Critique
Look for the following content elements
1. hook/metaphor/theme
2. answer to focusing question
3. evidence and specific examples

Score with rubric
1.  Note strengths
2.  Note feedback for refinement
3.  Rationale:  Why did you score him/her the way that you did?

Presentation Prep
1.  Notecards
2.  Evidence Gathering
3.  Work Time                           
4.  Rehearse with Partner?

Come tomorrow ready to practice presentation and Q&A!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

TPOL Prep Day 2

Why extended metaphor?

Extended Metaphor Example
:  Will Ferrell 

Pair share your presentation progress with your neighbor.

Freewrite:  What specific evidence can you use to support the claims of your brainstorm from yesterday?

Model TPOL’s:  John and Hanna
1.  What is his or her hook/theme/metaphor?
2.  How did presenter address focusing question?
3.  What evidence did presenter use?

Work Time:
1. Draft presentation
2. Evidence Gathering
3. Conference with me

Monday, May 20, 2013


Reminder:  Project Reflections and DP update are due today by the end of the day.  Please email reflections to Mike and Jessica by midnight!

Freewrite in Composition Book: Who have you become this year as a result of your experiences at AHS?

9th Grade TPOL 2013
9th Grade TPOL Rubric
TPOL Questions

Model TPOL's 
For each presenter, note the following

1.  What is his or her hook/theme/metaphor?
2.  How did presenter address focusing question?
3.  What evidence did presenter use?

Brainstorm (choose one:  list, cluster, outline, write, talk to a partner)
1.  Content of presentation
2.  Hook/theme/metaphor
3.  Evidence

WORK TIME:  Begin drafting your presentation!

Friday, May 10, 2013

You did it!! Exhale....

Reflection (to be used in your DP update)
This document should be structured like a 5-paragraph (TEA) essay and uploaded to your DP when you add the Food project to your Humanities page.  Give each paragraph a strong topic sentence.
Write an introductory paragraph that includes a brief description of the project.
¶ 2.  How did you connect to this project?  How has your thinking changed over the course of this project? Explain. What eating goals do you hope to pursue?
¶ 3.  How was this project difficult?  What was most challenging?  What aspects of research and writing were most challenging (think about starting with picking a topic and crafting a research question all the way to revising your drafts)?
¶ 4.  Looking back at your completion of this large and formal piece of writing, what did you learn about your personal writing process? What would you do differently? How would you approach this project, or any large writing assignment, differently in order to make your writing process easier and the final product better?
¶ 5. Now that you have finished your study of food, how would you answer this essential question:   How does one navigate their own personal omnivore’s dilemma in a world of abundant eating choices?

DP Update
1.  Image of project
2.  Essay
3.  Project Reflection

If you would like to look ahead to TPOL's....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Papers are due at midnight by email to Mike and Jessica.  

Come to class tomorrow with a printed out version of your final draft:
Title center-aligned
Name in right-hand corner

Friday, May 3, 2013

How does food reflect who we are?

Food #18: Think about the quote, "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are."  What do you think this quote means?  What does your food say about you?

Take a look at the What the World Eats photo set.

Pick 3 photos to analyze, then record your response. 

With each picture you analyze, consider:
What stands out to you in the picture?
What assumptions can you make about the food culture of that country?
        -What is their relationship with food?
        -Where do they get their food from?
        -How healthy is their food?
        -What sort of choices do they have to make regarding their food?
        -What is their work life like?
        -What other assumptions can you make?

Write 3 food/eating goals you want to work on.
        -Eat more organic?
        -Eat locally?
        -Keep costs low?
        -Eat efficiently?
        -What else?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Draft #2 due at Midnight tonight!

AM class:  Send draft to
PM class: Send draft to

In the body of the email, please answer the following questions:
1.  What are the strengths of your draft?
2.  What do you need to work on most to refine the draft?
3.  When I give you feedback, what would you like me to focus on?

Friday, April 26, 2013

In-text Citations

How do you set up a quote?
        -Take a look at the Setting up Quotations sheet.

How do I properly cite information that I either paraphrase or quote from a source?
        -Take a look at the Citing Sources within the Body of Your Paper sheet.

           -What are the different techniques used to set up the quotes in the Citation and Quote Set up Practice sheet?  Record what technique is used for each quote in red.  Use one of the techniques discussed to set up a quote of your own.  Write this in your journal.  Be sure to give the proper citation following your quoted material.  Reference the information sheets for help.

Take a look at the Purdue Owl website for more citation information.

Draft #1 Due Monday!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome, Rachel!

College in Colorado with Rachel

Drafting time!  Your first draft is due Monday, April 29!

Keep Drafting!
Post your thesis statement Edmodo.  Comment on five classmates' thesis statements.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TEA paragraphs!

Food #16:  Burke Baehr TED talk
Note examples of evidence and analysis

Tea paragraph example

Tea paragraph Jigsaw puzzle

Tea paragraph practice

Essay Outline (Tuesday April 23)

What are your topics and subtopics?
How will you organize your essay?
Here are some steps to help you divide your paper into topics and subtopics:

1.       Write your thesis at the top of the paper in your notebook.
2.       What are your reasons for your position in the argument?
3.       How can you break down what your paper is about into smaller topics?
a.       Underline major parts in your thesis to help you find the important parts: people, groups, causes, effects, actions, things, motivations.
4.       Brainstorm a list of potential topics/areas of discussion that branch off of your previous list. These ideas are known as subtopics.

See the Google doc example outline to help you finish yours.
Your outline is homework and will be due tomorrow. 

Thesis Statement Critique/Revision (Monday April 22)

Review what makes a good thesis statement.

Group critique of thesis statements

How does your thesis statement measure up to these questions?

·         Does it make a debatable claim about the topic?
·         Does it state the obvious or something factual?
·         Is it specific or general?
·         Focused or vague?
·         Is it stated clearly?
·         Is it stated eloquently?
·         Will there be sufficient evidence to make the argument?
·         Does it avoid the first person?  (“I think…” “I believe”)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements


Monday, April 15, 2013

Research Topics

Class brainstorm of research topics

Narrowing Your Research Topic

Work time:  Preliminary Research

Food #14:  What path do you predict your research will take you down?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Local Sustainable Durango

1. How can we eat sustainably and locally?
2. What challenges are associated with eating locally?

Read "Where is our Food Security?" by Mike Nolan (p. 13, Edible San Juan Magazine, Spring 2013

Food #13: Are the challenges facing local sustainable food too great to overcome?  What can we do to overcome them?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Film screening:  Fresh

What are the advantages of monoculture for farmers and the system?

What are the benefits of a diversified farm?

Viewing Guide

Monday, April 8, 2013

Food Lifestyles Seminar

Seminar Rubric
Seminar Reflection

Reflection due Tuesday April 9 at midnight by email.
AM class: send to
PM class: send to (cc

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seminar Coaching/Reading Time

Pair share
·        What were some positives of the Agricultural Revolution?  In what ways did human life change as a result of agriculture?       
·         Brainstorm a list of things we would have never had without agriculture.

Discuss:   Generally speaking, do we see this as progress?  Change for the better?

Diamond Group Coaching
·        Handout  

·         Read and annotate:  Hatchet 
·         Seminar Prep questions as homework

Seminar Prep
1.  Compare and contrast Brian’s relationship with food in Hatchet and that of a “heavy user” of McDonald’s food.  Which way would you rather live?
 2.  Compare and contrast the life of a hunter/gatherer with your own.  Who lives better?  Explain.
 3.  Was the agricultural revolution the worst mistake in the history of the human race?  Why or why not?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Agricultural Revolution

Food #12:  On the flip side of Super Size Me, brainstorm a list of positives of being an industrial eater.  What are some of the advantages that we have in our modern eating climate?

Crash Course World History:  The Agricultural  Revolution
Jot down some advantages and disadvantages of agriculture.

1.  What is the thesis of this article?
2.  What evidence does the article give to support its thesis?
3.  Do you agree with the article?  Why or why not?
4.  What arguments can be made against the article’s thesis? 

Homework:  Finish article and questions if you do not do so in class.

If you finish early, start (or continue) to read Hatchet.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Industrial Food Review/Super Size Me

Study Guide Review:  The Omnivore's Dilemma, Part 1

The extremes of industrial eating:  the fast-food lifestyle

The film is a seminar text.  Please "annotate" it as you would any seminar text. Write down any relevant details, connections, observations, thoughts, facts, questions.  Remember, you are looking for evidence to bring in to the seminar.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I posted some videos on Edmodo.  Please log on and comment on them.

Today, we will continue to work through the TO DO list from yesterday (scroll down).

Written answers to the study guide are due in writing tomorrow at the beginning of class.
You can email them typed, or turn them in handwritten.

Be ready for a quiz on industrial food!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome back!

Food #10: Of all the topics we have been studying so far, which is the most interesting to you and why?  What are your thoughts and opinions on the topic?

Let's chat about food:)

Food Project Overview

1.  DP update for Shakespeare (if not done already).  Email link to me when finished!

  • Reflection
  • Images or youtube video (Embed!)
2.  Omnivore's Dilemma Part 1 Review
  • Complete study questions.  Be prepared for a quiz!
  • When finished, complete the freewrite (Food #11) in your comp book.

3.  If you finish early, begin reading Hatchet.  Annotate (using stand-alone notes) with particular attention to Brian's relationship with food.

Friday, March 22, 2013

In-class Essay: Is organic food worth the extra cost?

In-Class Essay Rubric

When you finish your essay, email it to:

When you finish, watch the puppet show!!
Morning Class:
Afternoon Class:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SAC/In-class writing prep

Food #9:  What is your strongest piece of evidence?  Why will it be convincing?

20 minutes to get ready with your partner and organize your opening argument.

SAC Debates!
1. Yes: opening argument (3 minutes)
2.  No: repeat back main points of argument (2 minutes)
3.  No: opening argument (3 minutes)
4.  Yes:  Repeat back main points of argument (2 minutes)
5.  Open debate (10 minutes)
6.  Consensus building (5 minutes)
7.  Debrief (10 minutes)

Essay Outline for tomorrow's in-class writing!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Concessives/Evidence Gathering for the SAC


Evidence Gathering for the SAC:
1.  Annotate silently with partner.
2.  After 1 article is annotated, discuss the evidence and main ideas with your partner.
3.  Divide the ideas and evidence among partners.
4.  Write up on worksheets individually.
5.  Repeat Steps 1-4

Use this form to collect your evidence.  If you don't finish, it's homework.

Be ready for tomorrow's SAC!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SAC: Is eating organic worth the extra cost?

Food #7:  What is your current relationship with organic food?  

Question:  What are the common motivations for eating organic?  Brainstorm a list.

Structured Academic Controversy:  Is eating organic food worth the extra cost?
1.  Read and annotate the sources below.  (If you are absent, print them out so that you can annotate them)
2.  Underline clues that point to the perspective and the opinion of the article.
3.  Sort the documents into three categories

Texts for the SAC:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Industrial Food

What are the advantages and disadvantages of industrial agriculture and meat production?

Make a T-chart in your notes

Advantages of Industrial Food System
Disadvantages of Industrial Food System

Clips from Food, Inc.
As we watch the film, we will keep our lists updated.

Food #5:  Write one detailed paragraph explaining the perspective of the film on industrial food.  Mention 3-5 supporting points that the film uses as evidence to support its perspective.

Read: "Myths and Facts About Meat Production" and explore  Continue to update your T-chart with the points and counterpoints of industrial agriculture.  

Food #6:  After reading through some of the counterpoints to Food, Inc’s arguments, has your reaction to the film changed at all?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Food Detectives Research!

If you are absent today, please print out the following assignment.  You will have to go to the grocery store to complete the assignment.

Food  Detectives Research Assignment

Part 3:  Conclusions
On a separate piece of paper, write 1-2 well-developed paragraphs that analyze what you learned from investigating the sources of your food.  What were you able to find out about your food sources?  How has investigating your food sources changed, expanded, or confirmed your thinking on what you are eating?
Staple your conclusions to this packet and hand it in to the inbox.  Due Monday, March 17.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Issues in Food: GMO's and Government Subsidies

GM foods:  pros and cons

How do you feel about the presence of GMO's in our food supply?

Food #4: Pick the three most important factors and explain why they are important and how they influence your perspective.

1.  Statement of opinion.
2.  Reason for opinion.
3.  Why are these reasons important?

clip:  Food, Inc. (view film from 1:06:12-1:16:, 38:)

Viewing Guide:  turn in to the inbox!!
How have food prices changed over the years?
Obesity trends over the years

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Starter:  Ronald McDonald images
Food #2:  What is your reaction to these images?

Active reading strategies:
1.  Predicting
2.  Connecting
3.  Visualizing
4.  Questioning and Clarifying
5.  Evaluating
6.  Annotating

Principles of Utilitarianism:  Powerpoint

Homework:  Read and annotate "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift

Click here for an audio version of the text.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Intro: Food and Ethics

Guiding question: What is our relationship with food? 
1.       Read the poem Comfort Food by Raymond A. Foss

a.       Comfort Food by Raymond A. Foss
Dinner after dinner, as the weather changed
we enjoyed, were warmed, comforted
by staples, meals we love, count on
hearty beef stew, shepherd’s pie,
steak and potatoes, lasagna, cheese cake
Mmmm, so good, smiles welling up on
the family’s faces, shining in the glow
of the warm feelings of our tummies
after the fruits of her labors
slice past the tastebuds,
knowing the skill and finesse,
expressions of love,
coming in the next one
or in seconds tonight.

b.      Respond in you writer’s notebook, under the title Food #1 what emotions, thoughts, and feelings the poem brings out in you.
2.       Analyze your eating habits.
a.       What healthy habits do you have?  How could you improve?  How does eating/food help create a sense of community with those you eat with?
3.       What sort of meaning does food have for you and others?
a.       Is there social importance related to food?
                                                               i.      Consider birthdays, holidays, and the memories you have that are associated with food.
b.      Is there personal meaning brought to our relationship with food?
                                                               i.      What emotions are connected with eating?
                                                             ii.      Boredom? Happiness? More?
4.       Read the introduction to The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

Guiding question: What are ethics and how do we navigate challenging situations using ethical behavior?
5.       How do you define “ethics”?
6.       Why are ethics important to society?
a.       What would happen if ethical behavior was unimportant?
                                                               i.      Brainstorm some ethical/moral behaviors and think about their importance.
7.       Write your own personal code of ethics.
a.       What ethics/morals are important to you and why?
8.       Analyze an ethical dilemma and determine the proper action.
a.       How did you come to your decision?
b.      Dilemma:  You have an opportunity for an internship at a respected business in the community. Part of your qualifications comes from a senior project that you worked on with several other students. Through the interview process, you discover that you are given credit for a key section of the project that really impressed the company. In fact, another member of your senior team, with little input from you, did that section. How do you proceed?

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

SLC Prep/Rehearsal

SLC Humanities Notecards
1.  a.What is your greatest strength in Humanities?
     b. What evidence can you offer for that strength?
2.  a. In what do you need to improve the most?
     b. Evidence?
3.  Which Habit of Heart and Mind or 21st century skill will help you improve the most?  How?
4.  Action Plan for improvement?  Give 2-4 specific action steps that you will complete in order to improve.

Puppet Show Rehearsal/Refinement
1.  Establish puppeteering teams
2.  Block live acting
3.  Critique Puppet/Sets/Soundtrack
4.  Refine Soundtrack
5.  Needs list?
6.  Practice Practice Practice!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Puppet Madness!

This week:
1. Finish sound recording
2. Finish stage work
3. Finish puppets and sets
4.  Begin blocking and rehearsing scenes

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Sound:  Act 2, Act 3?

Sets/Puppet Workshop

Crew:  Re-establish lighting system

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Project Work

Project Work Log:  Documentation of your 21st century skills

Independent Research Labs
To be done to satisfy the requirement of "Independent Research and Learning" and also to expand your knowledge of Shakespeare and Macbeth.  If you find yourself with time on your hands, grow your brain with these interesting activities.

Theater Companies:  Finish Play and Promptbook!

Production Time!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Final Word Journal Entry:
1.  What are the denotations of your word as used in this Macbeth?
2.  What connotations does your word carry in different usages?  Write them out or make a word web that explores the connotations (associations, emotions) of your assigned word.


Theater Companies: Act 4 and 5 PROMPTBOOK!
Email out ALL promptbook notes to your entire group!!

Directors:  Script-cutting
Art Team:  Puppets and sets
Lighting/Stage:  Stage Set-up, help art team
PR:  Posters
Sound:  Get ready for recording

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Check this out!

Wath this unique film version of Macbeth made by high school students in Utah!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Project Work

Act IV on film

Theater Companies:  Promptbook Work

Production Teams:  Worky Worky

Take a moment to log your work and the 21st century skills you are employing!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Project Work

A chat about the 21st century skills....

See Project Rubric

Theater Companies:
Continue with Promptbook work in Act 3

Production  Teams:
Stage Construction
Production Schedule
Exhibition Coordination
Sound Testing

Journal #14:  Log the work you did on the project today.  Explain which 21st century skills you neededto accomplish your task.  What went well?  What was difficult?

Auditions Thursday!
If you are trying out for Lady Macbeth or Macbeth, please prepare a small sample scene or soliloquoy for your audition.  You can pair up for this!

Don't forget your ongoing Word Trace!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Act 3 on Film

Theater Companies:  Work on Act 3

Initial Production Meetings

Friday, February 1, 2013

Work in Companies: Act 2

Work in Theater Companies on 2.2 and 2.3

Word Trace Assignment

Optional Homework:
Re-read Act 2 looking for your uses of your word.  Read ahead to Act 3?

Thursday: Film Studies in Shakespeare

2.1 on film:  Is that a dagger I see before me?  

Create a storyboard for Scene 2.1

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Soliloquoys and 1.7

Speaking Macbeth's Soliloquoy 
What reasons does he give against murdering Duncan?  Which reasons are the strongest?

The Seduction Scene
What does Macbeth want?  What obstacles lies in his way?
What does Lady Macbeth?  What obstacles lie her way?

Discuss:  What is the subtext of this scene?  If you were directing this scene, how would you have the actors play it?

Act 1 on Film

Journal #13:  Is Macbeth's nature foul or fair?  Give evidence from the play for your answer.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Subtext and 1.5

Journal #12:  Which of the subtexts do you think works best for this scene and why?  Reflect on each character’s personality in your answer.

Click here for a link to scene 1.5!

Subtext and 1.6

Monday, January 28, 2013

1.3, 1.4

Starter:  Papa's Waltz

Journal #10:  Respond to the poem.  What associations, emotions does it bring up for you?

Denotation, Connotation, Paradox


Stress, Inflection, Pauses


HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading of 1.5, journal plot summary

Journal #11:  Write a detailed summary of 1.5.  How does the plot thicken in this scene?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Macbeth 1.3

Choral Reading 1.3

Blocking 1.3

Which blocking fits the script best?

Journal #9:  What are your thoughts on Macbeth thus far?

Art Projectcito:  Using the materials available to create an artistic representation of the witches.  (art sets, magazines, supplies)

Puppet Show Interest Survey

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Watch a video summary of the play!

1.1 The witches
      Tone:  give your character an "attitude"

Journal #8:  What is your immediate reaction to the witches?  Why would Shakespeare begin the play with these three?  What is the dramatic effect?

1.2 King Duncan learns of the battle
      Group reading and blocking

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Midsummer Wrap

Finish Scene Performances

Reflections Due!

Turn in A Midsummer Night's Dream

DISCUSS:  What could Shakespeare be suggesting about love?
Which of these messages seems to fit with your interpretation of the play?
1.  Love is an illusion, like a spell one is under.
2.  True love will persevere through difficulties.
3.  Love is chaotic and messy and often doesn't make sense.
4.  Young love is intense and emotional and often leads the lovers into a type of madness, but it is shallow and fickle.
5.  Even though love may be an illusion, it is worth it.
6.  Love is but a dream.
7.  Love is not the result of free will, but of strings being pulled by FATE.
8.  Other?

Journal #7:  Choose one of the above statements (or craft your own) and write a paragraph explaining why you believe it may be the play's message, using evidence from the play.  Any other final thoughts on Midsummer?


Friday, January 18, 2013


Small Group Scene Reflection
INTRO (1 paragraph)
How didst thy collaboration go?  Describe the experience that your group had during this mini-project. 
BODY (3 paragraphs)
Of the seven 21st century survival skills, choose the three skills that you feel you needed to use most to accomplish the task.
The Seven Survival Skills for the 21st Century
1.        Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
2.       Collaboration
3.       Adaptability
4.       Initiative
5.       Effective Communication
6.       Independent Research and Learning
7.       Curiosity and Imagination

For each skill, write one paragraph on how you and/or your group used that skill effectively or ineffectively.  Give specific examples from your experience about how that skill came in handy or how the lack of it cost your group. 

CONCLUSION (1 paragraph)
What didst thou personally get out of this experience?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dress Rehearsal

Each group has 20 minutes to rehearse their play on the stage!  Tomorrow, be ready to perform!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scene Work: Blocking

Blocking a scene
1.                  Where does the scene take place?  What equipment, furniture, props will you use in your scene?
2.                  Entrances and exits – Look at the text for clues.   Who should come on stage from where? With whom? Why?  How will the characters enter?
3.                  Where will each actor be during the scene?  What movements must they make throughout the scene?
4.                  Who’s the most important person in the scene? Who thinks they are the most important person in the scene? How will we show this?
5.                  How will the cast show the personalities of the different characters through movement, blocking and tone?

Journal #6:  How are things going for your group so far?  What is working well?  What is difficult?  What do you need to work on most tomorrow?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NWEA testing

Do Your Best!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Group Scene Mini-Project

Sample Videos:  scenes from Romeo and Juliet by the class of 2014

Assign Groups and Books

Today's Goals:
1. Work with your group to understand the language in the scene.
2. Get a sense of your character's personality and determine how you will play him or her.

In Groups:
1.  In a circle, read through your scene once, each player playing his or her part.
2.  Read through it a second time, this time stopping to discuss the meanings of words.  Read footnotes.  Ask questions.  Use all the resources at your disposal to understand the language. (online glossary, handouts, each other, inference, Jessica)
3.  Identify examples of figurative language.  Are there metaphors, similes, imagery, personification?
4.  Identify the mood of your scene.
5.  Discuss costumes and props that you could bring in to enhance the performance of your scene.

Shakespeare Journal #5:  Playing Your Role
Describe the character you are playing.  What is his or her personality like?  What is his or her emotional state(s) during your scene?  How would you like to bring this part to life?  What will you do to show his or her character?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Let's Speak Shakespeare!!!

Shakespeare's Verbs
1.  Write a silent conversation with your partner. (Pass notes!!)
2.  Using the verb inflection handout, translate the conversation into Shakespeare's English.
3.  Speakst it aloud!
4.  Turn in paper with both names to the box.

Shakespeare's Insults
1. Choose a word from each column (A,B,C) and prepare an insult to hurl.
2. Using  Shakespeare's Glossary or Shakespeare's Dictionary (or whatever internet resource or dictionary hard copy, translate your insult.
3. Prepare to hurl it.

Shakespeare's Beat
1.  Write down the lyrics to a verse of a song you have memorized.
2.  Discuss:  why do we remember songs?
3.  Green Eggs and Ham:  Tetrameter
4.  Flocabulary:  Hip-Hop Shakespeare
5.  Stomp  it out!!  Tetrameter and Pentameter

Optional Homework:  Check out a copy of the play and peruse it over the weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Film continued...

Shakespeare Journal #4:  After the film, answer the following questions in your comp book.  Be specific and use details from the play!
1.  Who is your favorite character in this story?  Why?
2.  What commentary could Shakespeare be making about the nature of love?  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Reading Quiz!!

Email your final short story AND book cover jpg to:
subject line: fiction project

Midsummer: Plot Coaching

Begin Film:  A Midsummer Night's Dream
During the film, write down any observations or questions you may have.

Shakespeare Journal #3:  How does seeing Shakespeare brought to life by actors affect this experience for you?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Work Time:
1.  Finish Scavenger Hunt:  due by email tomorrow
2.  Reading:  short story version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
3.  If you are finished with everything...
Grab a copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream to peruse.  Note text conventions.  Try to figure out some of the language.
Do further research on Elizabethan England and William Shakespeare.  Add any extra research to your assignment page.

Choral Reading:  As You Like It II.vii.139 (Jaques:  All the world's a stage...)

Shakespeare Journal #2:  What do you think about Shakespeare's language?  How does it feel to read it out loud?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Why Shakespeare?


Shakespeare Journal #1:  How do you feel going in to this project?  How do you feel about having to read and perform Shakespeare?


What do you know about William Shakespeare and Elizabethan England?

What do you want to know?

Why Shakespeare?

Scavenger Hunt:  Shakespeare and Elizabethan England