Friday, December 14, 2012

On Your Snow Day...

Dear Freshmen,
Happy Snow Day!  As exciting as a snow day is, it does not change your POL schedule.  As such, in order to stay on track, I recommend that you do the following POL preparation at home this weekend.  Additionally, your final stories are still due to my email by 11:59 PM tonight unless you have already arranged an extension.

1.  Reflective Question Notecards
2.  DP update

POL Freewrite #2:  Reflective Questions 
1.  How is the work you are doing at AHS relevant to you personally or to your larger goals?
2.  What topic have you engaged with this year that has caused the most personal or intellectual growth for you?

What evidence can you include to back up the claims you are making in the answers to the reflective questions?

Create notecards for the two reflective questions.  If you do not have index cards at home, write it out on paper and transfer it to notecards at school on Monday.
For each notecard, remember all the TEA!
1.  (Topic) Answer the question
2.  (Evidence)  DP, physical, and/or anecdotal evidence
3.  (Analysis)  Explain your answer and your evidence in depth

DP update
1.  JPG Image of your book cover
2.  Revised Story (Don't upload until your story is polished!!!)
3.  Write a brief summary of the story.  Try to write a suspenseful preview, like the one you would find on the back cover.  Proofread your summary; it will be published to the web!

Have an excellent day off!  Don't forget to turn in your story!