Friday, April 26, 2013

In-text Citations

How do you set up a quote?
        -Take a look at the Setting up Quotations sheet.

How do I properly cite information that I either paraphrase or quote from a source?
        -Take a look at the Citing Sources within the Body of Your Paper sheet.

           -What are the different techniques used to set up the quotes in the Citation and Quote Set up Practice sheet?  Record what technique is used for each quote in red.  Use one of the techniques discussed to set up a quote of your own.  Write this in your journal.  Be sure to give the proper citation following your quoted material.  Reference the information sheets for help.

Take a look at the Purdue Owl website for more citation information.

Draft #1 Due Monday!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome, Rachel!

College in Colorado with Rachel

Drafting time!  Your first draft is due Monday, April 29!

Keep Drafting!
Post your thesis statement Edmodo.  Comment on five classmates' thesis statements.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TEA paragraphs!

Food #16:  Burke Baehr TED talk
Note examples of evidence and analysis

Tea paragraph example

Tea paragraph Jigsaw puzzle

Tea paragraph practice

Essay Outline (Tuesday April 23)

What are your topics and subtopics?
How will you organize your essay?
Here are some steps to help you divide your paper into topics and subtopics:

1.       Write your thesis at the top of the paper in your notebook.
2.       What are your reasons for your position in the argument?
3.       How can you break down what your paper is about into smaller topics?
a.       Underline major parts in your thesis to help you find the important parts: people, groups, causes, effects, actions, things, motivations.
4.       Brainstorm a list of potential topics/areas of discussion that branch off of your previous list. These ideas are known as subtopics.

See the Google doc example outline to help you finish yours.
Your outline is homework and will be due tomorrow. 

Thesis Statement Critique/Revision (Monday April 22)

Review what makes a good thesis statement.

Group critique of thesis statements

How does your thesis statement measure up to these questions?

·         Does it make a debatable claim about the topic?
·         Does it state the obvious or something factual?
·         Is it specific or general?
·         Focused or vague?
·         Is it stated clearly?
·         Is it stated eloquently?
·         Will there be sufficient evidence to make the argument?
·         Does it avoid the first person?  (“I think…” “I believe”)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements


Monday, April 15, 2013

Research Topics

Class brainstorm of research topics

Narrowing Your Research Topic

Work time:  Preliminary Research

Food #14:  What path do you predict your research will take you down?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Local Sustainable Durango

1. How can we eat sustainably and locally?
2. What challenges are associated with eating locally?

Read "Where is our Food Security?" by Mike Nolan (p. 13, Edible San Juan Magazine, Spring 2013

Food #13: Are the challenges facing local sustainable food too great to overcome?  What can we do to overcome them?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Film screening:  Fresh

What are the advantages of monoculture for farmers and the system?

What are the benefits of a diversified farm?

Viewing Guide

Monday, April 8, 2013

Food Lifestyles Seminar

Seminar Rubric
Seminar Reflection

Reflection due Tuesday April 9 at midnight by email.
AM class: send to
PM class: send to (cc

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seminar Coaching/Reading Time

Pair share
·        What were some positives of the Agricultural Revolution?  In what ways did human life change as a result of agriculture?       
·         Brainstorm a list of things we would have never had without agriculture.

Discuss:   Generally speaking, do we see this as progress?  Change for the better?

Diamond Group Coaching
·        Handout  

·         Read and annotate:  Hatchet 
·         Seminar Prep questions as homework

Seminar Prep
1.  Compare and contrast Brian’s relationship with food in Hatchet and that of a “heavy user” of McDonald’s food.  Which way would you rather live?
 2.  Compare and contrast the life of a hunter/gatherer with your own.  Who lives better?  Explain.
 3.  Was the agricultural revolution the worst mistake in the history of the human race?  Why or why not?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Agricultural Revolution

Food #12:  On the flip side of Super Size Me, brainstorm a list of positives of being an industrial eater.  What are some of the advantages that we have in our modern eating climate?

Crash Course World History:  The Agricultural  Revolution
Jot down some advantages and disadvantages of agriculture.

1.  What is the thesis of this article?
2.  What evidence does the article give to support its thesis?
3.  Do you agree with the article?  Why or why not?
4.  What arguments can be made against the article’s thesis? 

Homework:  Finish article and questions if you do not do so in class.

If you finish early, start (or continue) to read Hatchet.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Industrial Food Review/Super Size Me

Study Guide Review:  The Omnivore's Dilemma, Part 1

The extremes of industrial eating:  the fast-food lifestyle

The film is a seminar text.  Please "annotate" it as you would any seminar text. Write down any relevant details, connections, observations, thoughts, facts, questions.  Remember, you are looking for evidence to bring in to the seminar.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I posted some videos on Edmodo.  Please log on and comment on them.

Today, we will continue to work through the TO DO list from yesterday (scroll down).

Written answers to the study guide are due in writing tomorrow at the beginning of class.
You can email them typed, or turn them in handwritten.

Be ready for a quiz on industrial food!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome back!

Food #10: Of all the topics we have been studying so far, which is the most interesting to you and why?  What are your thoughts and opinions on the topic?

Let's chat about food:)

Food Project Overview

1.  DP update for Shakespeare (if not done already).  Email link to me when finished!

  • Reflection
  • Images or youtube video (Embed!)
2.  Omnivore's Dilemma Part 1 Review
  • Complete study questions.  Be prepared for a quiz!
  • When finished, complete the freewrite (Food #11) in your comp book.

3.  If you finish early, begin reading Hatchet.  Annotate (using stand-alone notes) with particular attention to Brian's relationship with food.