Sunday, December 9, 2018

Monday, December 10

One of my favorite films!

Image result for much ado about nothing film

Much Ado About Nothing Film Reaction
(Turn in at the end of class)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday, December 6th

Exhibition/Project Debrief!

Reflection and DP update
On the Humanities tab of your DP, post the following elements by the end of class Friday:
1. Title of Project (Socialization and Liberation: Identity Mask Project)
2. Photo of your mask (Jessica has photos, or you can take a new one)
3. YOUR Essay!
4. A 5-paragraph Reflection that answers the following questions

Paragraph 1:  DESCRIPTION
Topic sentence: In this project, we.....
Include reference to:

  • Content
  • Project
  • Exhibition

Paragraph 2:  YOUR PROJECT
Describe the approach you took.
Answer: What are you most proud of about your project

If you could go back and refine something about your project, what would it be?
What goals do you have for future projects?  How might you do things differently?

Paragraph 4: EXHIBITION
Describe your experience at exhibition.
What profound conversations did you have?
Include at least one example of a moment that stands out in your mind.

What are your greatest takeaways from having done this project?  What enduring understandings do you have now about your identity, your socialization?  Your liberation from the cycle?

SEND JESSICA THE LINK TO YOUR completed DP by FRIDAY at the end of class

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday, December 3rd

Woohoo!  It's time to exhibit this project!

Finish everything today!

TO-DO List

  1. Finish Mask!
  2. Final Essay Refinements
    1. Conference with Jessica?
    2. Is there TEA flowing out of your thesis statement?
    3. Have you set up all your quoted material correctly?
    4. Give your essay a title
      • Center, 14 pt font
      • Name underneath centered 11 pt font