Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Soliloquoys and 1.7

Speaking Macbeth's Soliloquoy 
What reasons does he give against murdering Duncan?  Which reasons are the strongest?

The Seduction Scene
What does Macbeth want?  What obstacles lies in his way?
What does Lady Macbeth?  What obstacles lie her way?

Discuss:  What is the subtext of this scene?  If you were directing this scene, how would you have the actors play it?

Act 1 on Film

Journal #13:  Is Macbeth's nature foul or fair?  Give evidence from the play for your answer.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Subtext and 1.5

Journal #12:  Which of the subtexts do you think works best for this scene and why?  Reflect on each character’s personality in your answer.

Click here for a link to scene 1.5!

Subtext and 1.6

Monday, January 28, 2013

1.3, 1.4

Starter:  Papa's Waltz

Journal #10:  Respond to the poem.  What associations, emotions does it bring up for you?

Denotation, Connotation, Paradox


Stress, Inflection, Pauses


HOMEWORK:  Independent Reading of 1.5, journal plot summary

Journal #11:  Write a detailed summary of 1.5.  How does the plot thicken in this scene?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Macbeth 1.3

Choral Reading 1.3

Blocking 1.3

Which blocking fits the script best?

Journal #9:  What are your thoughts on Macbeth thus far?

Art Projectcito:  Using the materials available to create an artistic representation of the witches.  (art sets, magazines, supplies)

Puppet Show Interest Survey

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Watch a video summary of the play!

1.1 The witches
      Tone:  give your character an "attitude"

Journal #8:  What is your immediate reaction to the witches?  Why would Shakespeare begin the play with these three?  What is the dramatic effect?

1.2 King Duncan learns of the battle
      Group reading and blocking

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Midsummer Wrap

Finish Scene Performances

Reflections Due!

Turn in A Midsummer Night's Dream

DISCUSS:  What could Shakespeare be suggesting about love?
Which of these messages seems to fit with your interpretation of the play?
1.  Love is an illusion, like a spell one is under.
2.  True love will persevere through difficulties.
3.  Love is chaotic and messy and often doesn't make sense.
4.  Young love is intense and emotional and often leads the lovers into a type of madness, but it is shallow and fickle.
5.  Even though love may be an illusion, it is worth it.
6.  Love is but a dream.
7.  Love is not the result of free will, but of strings being pulled by FATE.
8.  Other?

Journal #7:  Choose one of the above statements (or craft your own) and write a paragraph explaining why you believe it may be the play's message, using evidence from the play.  Any other final thoughts on Midsummer?


Friday, January 18, 2013


Small Group Scene Reflection
INTRO (1 paragraph)
How didst thy collaboration go?  Describe the experience that your group had during this mini-project. 
BODY (3 paragraphs)
Of the seven 21st century survival skills, choose the three skills that you feel you needed to use most to accomplish the task.
The Seven Survival Skills for the 21st Century
1.        Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
2.       Collaboration
3.       Adaptability
4.       Initiative
5.       Effective Communication
6.       Independent Research and Learning
7.       Curiosity and Imagination

For each skill, write one paragraph on how you and/or your group used that skill effectively or ineffectively.  Give specific examples from your experience about how that skill came in handy or how the lack of it cost your group. 

CONCLUSION (1 paragraph)
What didst thou personally get out of this experience?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dress Rehearsal

Each group has 20 minutes to rehearse their play on the stage!  Tomorrow, be ready to perform!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scene Work: Blocking

Blocking a scene
1.                  Where does the scene take place?  What equipment, furniture, props will you use in your scene?
2.                  Entrances and exits – Look at the text for clues.   Who should come on stage from where? With whom? Why?  How will the characters enter?
3.                  Where will each actor be during the scene?  What movements must they make throughout the scene?
4.                  Who’s the most important person in the scene? Who thinks they are the most important person in the scene? How will we show this?
5.                  How will the cast show the personalities of the different characters through movement, blocking and tone?

Journal #6:  How are things going for your group so far?  What is working well?  What is difficult?  What do you need to work on most tomorrow?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NWEA testing

Do Your Best!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Group Scene Mini-Project

Sample Videos:  scenes from Romeo and Juliet by the class of 2014

Assign Groups and Books

Today's Goals:
1. Work with your group to understand the language in the scene.
2. Get a sense of your character's personality and determine how you will play him or her.

In Groups:
1.  In a circle, read through your scene once, each player playing his or her part.
2.  Read through it a second time, this time stopping to discuss the meanings of words.  Read footnotes.  Ask questions.  Use all the resources at your disposal to understand the language. (online glossary, handouts, each other, inference, Jessica)
3.  Identify examples of figurative language.  Are there metaphors, similes, imagery, personification?
4.  Identify the mood of your scene.
5.  Discuss costumes and props that you could bring in to enhance the performance of your scene.

Shakespeare Journal #5:  Playing Your Role
Describe the character you are playing.  What is his or her personality like?  What is his or her emotional state(s) during your scene?  How would you like to bring this part to life?  What will you do to show his or her character?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Let's Speak Shakespeare!!!

Shakespeare's Verbs
1.  Write a silent conversation with your partner. (Pass notes!!)
2.  Using the verb inflection handout, translate the conversation into Shakespeare's English.
3.  Speakst it aloud!
4.  Turn in paper with both names to the box.

Shakespeare's Insults
1. Choose a word from each column (A,B,C) and prepare an insult to hurl.
2. Using  Shakespeare's Glossary or Shakespeare's Dictionary (or whatever internet resource or dictionary hard copy, translate your insult.
3. Prepare to hurl it.

Shakespeare's Beat
1.  Write down the lyrics to a verse of a song you have memorized.
2.  Discuss:  why do we remember songs?
3.  Green Eggs and Ham:  Tetrameter
4.  Flocabulary:  Hip-Hop Shakespeare
5.  Stomp  it out!!  Tetrameter and Pentameter

Optional Homework:  Check out a copy of the play and peruse it over the weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Film continued...

Shakespeare Journal #4:  After the film, answer the following questions in your comp book.  Be specific and use details from the play!
1.  Who is your favorite character in this story?  Why?
2.  What commentary could Shakespeare be making about the nature of love?  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Reading Quiz!!

Email your final short story AND book cover jpg to:
subject line: fiction project

Midsummer: Plot Coaching

Begin Film:  A Midsummer Night's Dream
During the film, write down any observations or questions you may have.

Shakespeare Journal #3:  How does seeing Shakespeare brought to life by actors affect this experience for you?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Work Time:
1.  Finish Scavenger Hunt:  due by email tomorrow
2.  Reading:  short story version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
3.  If you are finished with everything...
Grab a copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream to peruse.  Note text conventions.  Try to figure out some of the language.
Do further research on Elizabethan England and William Shakespeare.  Add any extra research to your assignment page.

Choral Reading:  As You Like It II.vii.139 (Jaques:  All the world's a stage...)

Shakespeare Journal #2:  What do you think about Shakespeare's language?  How does it feel to read it out loud?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Why Shakespeare?


Shakespeare Journal #1:  How do you feel going in to this project?  How do you feel about having to read and perform Shakespeare?


What do you know about William Shakespeare and Elizabethan England?

What do you want to know?

Why Shakespeare?

Scavenger Hunt:  Shakespeare and Elizabethan England