YAY!!!! I heart y'all!
DP Update and Project Reflection (Link due Tuesday)
Friday, May 17, 2019
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Thursday, May 16th: ASE!!!!
Here we are, my dears! All's Well that Ends Well!!!!
Today during class: Refinement and Practice!
Do you have further revisions that you can make to your essay?
Do you want to practice reading it aloud again? (If you didn't yesterday, I must insist....)
Have you gotten your selfie to Amaya?
Have you given your essay a title?
If you have extra time and some basic photoshop skills, do you want to make some signage?
Submission Instructions
1. Email me your essay by 2:30 this afternoon. It should have an interesting title that alludes to its message. Title should be centered, bold, 14 point font. Underneath the title, please put your name, centered, not bold, 12 point font. Like so...
Final essays due by 2:30 pm today!
I WILL NOT PRINT FOR YOU unless your essay comes in by this time. Period. Don't even ask. If you need your essay printed after this hour, you will need to be resourceful and figure it out. My junior exhibition starts at the very first moment of exhibition.
NEW SCHEDULE: 20 minute intervals
Everyone panel for each other all night! If the 5 people don't fill the 20 minutes, wait until the next interval to start. (Ie. If Mady ends at 6:17, give people a second to arrive for the next chunk; Adrian starts at 6:20.)
Today during class: Refinement and Practice!
Do you have further revisions that you can make to your essay?
Do you want to practice reading it aloud again? (If you didn't yesterday, I must insist....)
Have you gotten your selfie to Amaya?
Have you given your essay a title?
If you have extra time and some basic photoshop skills, do you want to make some signage?
Submission Instructions
1. Email me your essay by 2:30 this afternoon. It should have an interesting title that alludes to its message. Title should be centered, bold, 14 point font. Underneath the title, please put your name, centered, not bold, 12 point font. Like so...
Whichever Road Taken
by Jessica McCallum
Final essays due by 2:30 pm today!
I WILL NOT PRINT FOR YOU unless your essay comes in by this time. Period. Don't even ask. If you need your essay printed after this hour, you will need to be resourceful and figure it out. My junior exhibition starts at the very first moment of exhibition.
NEW SCHEDULE: 20 minute intervals
Everyone panel for each other all night! If the 5 people don't fill the 20 minutes, wait until the next interval to start. (Ie. If Mady ends at 6:17, give people a second to arrive for the next chunk; Adrian starts at 6:20.)
Monday, May 13, 2019
Monday/Tuesday May 13th/4th
1. Selfie! Please send me your final selfie portrait by the end of Tuesday!
2. Refine Essays/Writing Conferences with Jessica and Amaya
3. Finish up Shakespeare work! As of now, I have received 3 DP links.
4. Who wants to flip this room with me? We can hang some sheets starting now:)
1. Selfie! Please send me your final selfie portrait by the end of Tuesday!
2. Refine Essays/Writing Conferences with Jessica and Amaya
- Get ready for All-School by practicing reading your essay out loud?
- Send me your final essay by email by Tuesday at midnight!
3. Finish up Shakespeare work! As of now, I have received 3 DP links.
4. Who wants to flip this room with me? We can hang some sheets starting now:)
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Friday, May 10th
SHARE YOUR ESSAY WITH Jessica AND Amaya! a.holliday19@animashighschool.com
Finish DP UPDATE!!
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can the “selfie” be used as an expression of identity?
Selfie-Portrait: Like the concept of a self-portrait, but a photo you have taken of yourself with the goal of capturing a piece of your identity. Be creative and original and personal and interesting! Think about the message about self that you are trying to create with your selfie. The goal is to transcend the shallowness of the mirror selfie in order to create ART.
Let's try this again! Revisit your selfie portrait.
SHARE YOUR ESSAY WITH Jessica AND Amaya! a.holliday19@animashighschool.com
Finish DP UPDATE!!
- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A brief description of the project and the ways you participated in it.
- Your reflection
- Photo(s) and visual relics
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can the “selfie” be used as an expression of identity?
Selfie-Portrait: Like the concept of a self-portrait, but a photo you have taken of yourself with the goal of capturing a piece of your identity. Be creative and original and personal and interesting! Think about the message about self that you are trying to create with your selfie. The goal is to transcend the shallowness of the mirror selfie in order to create ART.
Let's try this again! Revisit your selfie portrait.
- How will you approach it differently now that you are a projecteer?
- What do you want to try to get across about self?
Thursday, May 9th
Show, Don't Tell!
DP UPDATE for Shakepeare Puppet Show:
- Draft due for Critique tomorrow: Print out 2 copies
DP UPDATE for Shakepeare Puppet Show:
- PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A brief description of the project and the ways you participated in it.
- Your reflection
- Photo(s) and visual relics
Google folder with a few photos
(Does anyone have others?)
Who wants to set up the room for exhibition?
(Does anyone have others?)
Who wants to set up the room for exhibition?
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Tuesday, May 7th
Group starter: Choose a belief that you all agree on
Each group member should share an anecdote or a personal experience that relates to why they hold that belief.
Group Critique of Published Essays
For each essay, discuss the author’s approach to the assignment. Answer the following in your groups:
- What is the author’s core belief?
- How did the author use story to illuminate their belief? What elements of good storytelling did they incorporate? Does the whole piece work together in one unified voice? (narrative coherence)
- How does the author establish his/her unique personality through the assignment? Which sections of the essay strike readers as truthful, either intellectually or emotionally? (authentic voice)
- “So what?” How does the author connect to the human community? (communal relevance)
TOGETHER: Amaya's essay
IN GROUPS: Do the group critique of your assigned essay!
Monday, May 6, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Thursday, May 2
This I Believe Project Intro
1. Starter: Next to each prompt, create a shorthand list of your responses to the belief statements (A, SA, D, SD). Answer quickly, and set it aside for later use.
3. Freewrite: Pick one of the belief statements from 4 corners and free-write for 10 minutes.
1. Starter: Next to each prompt, create a shorthand list of your responses to the belief statements (A, SA, D, SD). Answer quickly, and set it aside for later use.
3. Freewrite: Pick one of the belief statements from 4 corners and free-write for 10 minutes.
- Why do you agree or disagree with the statement?
- What personal experience has shaped this belief?
4. Belief Statement Group Acticity
6. Reflection Critique Read-Around
Add comments and questions about how your peers could improve their essays. Questions can be really helpful to indicate where they could possibly clarify or add content.
I am still getting pics around for your DP updates. I will share a folder with you guys. Everyone has an extension on getting me your DP link until next week.
If you are completely finished with your reflection essay, spend some time browsing the This I Believe archive. Read the essays or listen to the podcast versions. You can browse by themes here.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Wednesday, May 1st
Shakespeare Project Self-Assessment and Reflection
1. Sophia reads her reflection example
2. Work Time to Finish?
***When you finish your reflection, do the following self-critique, annotating your essay as indicated. REFINE your essay according to your own critique!
1. Highlight in YELLOW each TOPIC SENTENCE.
Ask yourself for each....
2. Highlight in BLUE where you are using specific anecdotal EVIDENCE.
Ask yourself....
3. Highlight in GREEN your personal commentary or reflective ANALYSIS.
Ask yourself....
4. Review the RUBRIC. To what degree are you meeting the standards for this reflection? REFINE accordingly!
If you are done with all of this AND your DP update, you could preview our next project and peruse the NPR This I Believe essay archive.
1. Sophia reads her reflection example
2. Work Time to Finish?
***When you finish your reflection, do the following self-critique, annotating your essay as indicated. REFINE your essay according to your own critique!
1. Highlight in YELLOW each TOPIC SENTENCE.
Ask yourself for each....
- Is this topic sentence clearly stated?
- Does everything in the paragraph relate to it?
- Does it answer the prompt in an authentic way?
2. Highlight in BLUE where you are using specific anecdotal EVIDENCE.
Ask yourself....
- Have I chosen the best examples for the claim I am making?
- Are there other anecdotes that I am missing that could help me develop my point further?
- Is my evidence ample and specific?
3. Highlight in GREEN your personal commentary or reflective ANALYSIS.
Ask yourself....
- Have I explained my examples thoroughly?
- Have I used my analysis (with evidence) to "prove" the claim made in my topic sentence?
- Have I included sufficient reflection in a way that really develops my claim?
4. Review the RUBRIC. To what degree are you meeting the standards for this reflection? REFINE accordingly!
If you are done with all of this AND your DP update, you could preview our next project and peruse the NPR This I Believe essay archive.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Tuesday, April 2
Project Reset!
Let's make a plan!
If you haven't done the Process Reflection, please do so now.
Project Rubric
Let's make a puppet show! Let's do so with joy!
Let's make a plan!
If you haven't done the Process Reflection, please do so now.
Project Rubric
Let's make a puppet show! Let's do so with joy!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
Tuesday, March 12th
Starter (in production teams):
Share out: Biggest "Win" so far, Biggest "Push"
What 21st Century skill does your group need to propel you forward from here?
Film clip
Strategize and Record: Act 5!
Art TO-DO lists: By the end of the week, we must have puppets and sets!
Costumes for live acting: Coordinate with puppets?
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Monday, March 4, 2019
Monday, March 4th
Reya is sick today, guys! Sorry I am not there with you....
Please prepare for your SLC, according to the instructions on this document.
You should be making THREE notecards in Humanities today: the two for this class and the one reflecting on your first semester action plan. For those of you who weren't here for POL's, instead of an action plan, reflect on how the decision to change schools is working out for you.
Refer to the 21st Century Skills on the back board and you all remember PAPER, right?...
Shakespeare Production Time!
Directors and Sound: Keep this recording going!
Kenzie and Art Team: Puppet sweatshop!
Jack and Shaw: ready to build?
This is your play, y'all! You can make some good Osprey progress without me!
Please prepare for your SLC, according to the instructions on this document.
You should be making THREE notecards in Humanities today: the two for this class and the one reflecting on your first semester action plan. For those of you who weren't here for POL's, instead of an action plan, reflect on how the decision to change schools is working out for you.
Refer to the 21st Century Skills on the back board and you all remember PAPER, right?...
Shakespeare Production Time!
Directors and Sound: Keep this recording going!
Kenzie and Art Team: Puppet sweatshop!
Jack and Shaw: ready to build?
This is your play, y'all! You can make some good Osprey progress without me!
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Thursday, February 28th
CIRCLE UP/REPORT OUT: How did it go yesterday?
- What breakthroughs?
- What went well?
- What is vexing us?
- What do we need?
- What systems are emerging?
- What’s the plan of action?
"Homework": Work on your lines!
Tomorrow: Promptbook work for ACT 2
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Wednesday, February 27th
Dearest students: I am super excited for you guys to get stuff done with production today! A big shout out to YOUR teacher, Roxy McKnight, for being with us on this shadowy journey.
Christine, Jazzy, Flynn, Max, Kenzie? and various ACTORS "call'd man by man, according to the scrip'" (That is to say...you only need to go to the studio when your scene is being rehearsed.)
REHEARSE and PLAN for sound recording of the two scenes of ACT 1. Since we don't have promptbook notes for this Act, let's work out details in this rehearsal BEFORE you start recording.
Things to think about as you rehearse and "block" these scenes:
How will we play these characters?
Are we ready to record? More scripts coming your way tomorrow....
ART CREW (when not rehearsing your lines)
Adrian, Jaylin, Husai, Pud, Ben, Sophie F, Madyson, Kenzie? Sophia?
Roxy is here to guide you in some artistic skill-building that will hopefully lead to some puppet and set breakthroughs.
Jack and Shaw: Stage Construction
Shaw, you can be exempt from the rehearsal of Scene 2 until it is time to record your part. Jack, we don't meet Puck until Act 2.
CLEAN UP THE MAKERSPACE LIKE ANGELS:) Leave it exactly how you found it, please and thank you!
Check in with all the teams at some point to get a bird's-eye view of production. Spend your time where you feel it will serve our progress best. Sprinkle your good ideas into this process like fairy magic. (Email me toward the end of class to let me know how things are going from your view.)
Christine, Jazzy, Flynn, Max, Kenzie? and various ACTORS "call'd man by man, according to the scrip'" (That is to say...you only need to go to the studio when your scene is being rehearsed.)
REHEARSE and PLAN for sound recording of the two scenes of ACT 1. Since we don't have promptbook notes for this Act, let's work out details in this rehearsal BEFORE you start recording.
Things to think about as you rehearse and "block" these scenes:
How will we play these characters?
- Think about subtext and emotion and personality quirks.
- Directors: Coach the acting!
- Actors: Get familiar with your lines, your characters, your subtext. Think about how voice acting translates to puppetry. How will you give an emotional life to a shadow?
- Sound effects?
- Music?
What systems or ideas emerge about our PROCESS as you work through Act 1?
- Keep track of these ideas!
Are we ready to record? More scripts coming your way tomorrow....
ART CREW (when not rehearsing your lines)
Adrian, Jaylin, Husai, Pud, Ben, Sophie F, Madyson, Kenzie? Sophia?
Roxy is here to guide you in some artistic skill-building that will hopefully lead to some puppet and set breakthroughs.
Jack and Shaw: Stage Construction
Shaw, you can be exempt from the rehearsal of Scene 2 until it is time to record your part. Jack, we don't meet Puck until Act 2.
CLEAN UP THE MAKERSPACE LIKE ANGELS:) Leave it exactly how you found it, please and thank you!
Check in with all the teams at some point to get a bird's-eye view of production. Spend your time where you feel it will serve our progress best. Sprinkle your good ideas into this process like fairy magic. (Email me toward the end of class to let me know how things are going from your view.)
Tuesday, February 26th
1. Read 3.2 in characters
2. Theater Companies: PROMPTBOOK WORK!
3. Production Work
1. Read 3.2 in characters
2. Theater Companies: PROMPTBOOK WORK!
3. Production Work
Monday, February 25, 2019
Monday and Tuesday Feb 25-26
- TIMING CHANGE: The show is officially postponed until April! All we will have time for after break is rehearsal, so everything still needs to be done by March 15th!
- NEXT FEW DAYS: ACT 3 in our characters!
- THEATER COMPANIES: Promptbook WORK together. Let’s develop this vision as a whole group and work through the major action together. Let’s become these characters before we start to record them!
- Call for HATS, fairy wings, wings, crowns, costumery in general! FOR tomorrow
- PRODUCTION continues! With any time leftover and ALL of class Wednesday. Can we all work from a MASTER CALENDAR?
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
- What is going well in this project?
- What is vexing you about this project?
- What don’t you understand about what we are doing in this project?
- What do want to express to the executive team and/or Jessica?
Call for HATS, fairy wings, wings, crowns, costumery in general! FOR tomorrow
Finish Cast
THEATER COMPANIES: Promptbook work for 3.1 (the scene we watched scenes of last week)
Executive Crew: Can we have lunch today or tomorrow?
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Thursday, February 14th
“Reason and love keep little company together nowadays”
3.1: This is the scene where Bottom is transformed and Titania wakes up
On Film (1968) Green Fairy version @ 5ish
On Film (1935) Bottom and Titania
On Stage 1
On Stage 2
On Stage 3
- What progress did we make this week?
- Which 21st Century Skills are we using?
- Which ones do we need to bring next week?
- Next steps for your team
Finish casting!
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Tuesday, February 12th
2.2: Whole Group Work
In companies, finish the scene (2.2.84-156)
Review Act II, scene ii
Monday, February 11th
- This week and next week are short. Lots is happening, and it will go by fast. Before we know it, February is over. Everyday is crucial to our progress. Please try to be here and be on time every day. Please exercise your 21st Century skills and good character around every corner.
- Field Trip?
- Play is not yet cast in full
- Production Teams are set: We will have our first meeting today.
What did we think of the movie version we watched? How did we answer the journal prompt?
Review 2.1
What’s the subtext?
1. Acting is an interpretation. We reflect with inflection and body language the thoughts we imagine our characters to be having.
SUBTEXT: What’s underneath the dialogue, the motives of the characters; the thoughts and emotions that the character is having as they speak.
2. To determine subtext, consider….
- the context (what other lines occur around them?)
- what the character wants in this particular scene
- what the character’s ultimate objective is
- what obstacles prevent the character from achieving his goals?
- what are the character’s feelings about what is happening?
Finish Scene 2.1 with attention to subtext and inflection
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Friday, February 8th
Finish A Midsummer Night's Dream 1999 film

Reflect on the experience of watching this movie.
Who is your favorite character in this play and why?
What ideas do you have for the puppet show now that you know the whole story?
What questions do you still have about the story?

Reflect on the experience of watching this movie.
Who is your favorite character in this play and why?
What ideas do you have for the puppet show now that you know the whole story?
What questions do you still have about the story?
Thursday, February 7th
KAHOOT COMPETITION: Hip-Hop or Shakespeare?
Clips from Macbeth
Puppet Show Prototypes! 1, 2, 3, Make it Work
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Wednesday, February 6th
Finish Scene 1.1 on Film
Journal 7: What possible messages about love do we get from 1.1? How does Helena’s monologue about love differ from the exchange between Hermia and Lysander? Choose a quote from the text to analyze in the context of this question. REVIEW THE TEXT
Finding Shakespeare’s Beat
Think about a song you have had memorized for a long time. Why do you remember it?
Green Eggs and Ham
What is the beat? Tap it out?
What do we mean by “meter” in poetry?
GE&H employs heptameter and tetrameter
Trochee: “foot” where stress falls on first syllable
Iamb: “foot” where stress falls on second syllable
Puck’s last soliliquoy (page 72) : trochaic tetrameter
From Akala’s TED talk
2.1.18 (page 13 in your script)
“The king doth keep his revels here tonight…”: iambic pentameter
Watch the film version of 2.1
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Tuesday, February 5th
Circle UP!
Share out some of the take-aways in our small group scene reflections.
Scene 1.1
Cast readers
Cast puppeteers
Cast “puppets” (tableaux vivants)
- How do we position them?
- What else might be in the scene?
Helena’s soliloquy: Close reading
Journal 7: What possible messages about love do we get from 1.1? How does Helena’s monologue about love differ from the exchange between Hermia and Lysander?
Last 15 minutes:
Play the first 15 minutes of the film to watch the pieces of 1.1
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Monday, February 4th
A Midsummer Night's Dream Video Sparknote and Character Map
General Call: Hats and Props and Costume Silliness!
Scene 1.2
1. Groups of 3: Read through (ONE Bottom, ONE Quince, ONE everyone else)
2. Translation into modern English: What would these guys say nowadays?
3. Groups of 5: Cast and Block
Whoever plays Snout the Tinker is the director
Small part play two roles?
Body language?
What is everyone in the scene doing?
What is your impression of the mechanicals? What do they remind you of? How is the way they speak different from other Shakespearean characters?
General Call: Hats and Props and Costume Silliness!
Scene 1.2
1. Groups of 3: Read through (ONE Bottom, ONE Quince, ONE everyone else)
- Where is this scene taking place?
- Are the characters old friends or did they just meet?
- What can you tell about their individual personalities?
2. Translation into modern English: What would these guys say nowadays?
3. Groups of 5: Cast and Block
Whoever plays Snout the Tinker is the director
Small part play two roles?
Body language?
What is everyone in the scene doing?
What is your impression of the mechanicals? What do they remind you of? How is the way they speak different from other Shakespearean characters?
Friday, February 1, 2019
Thursday, January 31st
Group Scene Exhibition
Small Group Scene Reflection (Due Monday @midnight!)
If you have not finished your seminar reflection for Romeo and Juliet, that is also due!
Wednesday, January 30th
“Directors” should practice their introductions as well
2.2 Balcony Scene “O speak again, bright angel!”
2.4 Street Shenanigans “Here’s goodly gear!”
3.1 Fight to the Death “O I am fortune’s fool!”
3.5 Capulet Family Drama “He shall not make me there a joyful bride!”
Be ready for tomorrow! Practice some more and remember all of your props and costumes. Don’t be late!
Monday, January 28, 2019
Tuesday, January 29th
Romeo and Juliet Seminar
Review Seminar Rubric & Reflection Assignment (due Friday)
TOGETHER: Rehearse choral reading of cut balcony scene.
Review Seminar Rubric & Reflection Assignment (due Friday)
TOGETHER: Rehearse choral reading of cut balcony scene.
“Directors”: Be ready to introduce the context of your scene. Include which characters appear, what has just happened before it, and any other relevant details that the audience will need to understand.
Homework: Practice your lines!
Monday, January 28th
Group Rehearsal in Commons!
Seminar Prep Questions: Get ready for tomorrow's seminar!
Answer in writing in your Shakespeare Journal or on a separate sheet on paper.
Seminar Prep Questions: Get ready for tomorrow's seminar!
Answer in writing in your Shakespeare Journal or on a separate sheet on paper.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Tuesday, January 22nd
Continue Zeffirelli version with attention to the scenes we will produce....
If time, cast for GROUP SCENE PROJECT
If time, cast for GROUP SCENE PROJECT
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Thursday, January 17
Journal #5 (from Tuesday): Reflect on the experience of bringing a scene to life with acting. How did this go for our class and for you personally?
The star-crossed lovers meet!
Film versions and Group Reading
1.5 "Saints and Pilgrims"
2.2 The Balcony Scene
Homework: Memorize the bold-faced passage of EITHER Romeo or Juliet from 2.2
DISCUSS the LOVE in this play:)
Journal #6: Do you believe in Romeo and Juliet’s love? Do you think Shakespeare intended it to be interpreted as real love? Explain your opinion.
The star-crossed lovers meet!
Film versions and Group Reading
1.5 "Saints and Pilgrims"
2.2 The Balcony Scene
Homework: Memorize the bold-faced passage of EITHER Romeo or Juliet from 2.2
DISCUSS the LOVE in this play:)
Journal #6: Do you believe in Romeo and Juliet’s love? Do you think Shakespeare intended it to be interpreted as real love? Explain your opinion.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Tuesday, January 15
The Civil Brawl:
1. Choral Reading of the Prince's monologue
2. Blocking and Acting!
3. Journal #5: Reflect on the experience of bringing a scene to life with acting. How did this go for our class and for you personally?
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Monday, January 14
DEBRIEF the film and the project so far.
Share out contents of Scavenger Hunt. Turn in if you have not done so already!
What other questions do we have right now?
Shakespearean Insults! Let's hurl them.
Craft Multiple Insults
Work with a partner to find definitions
Partner A, Partner B
Montagues and Capulets!
Scene 1.1: A Civil Brawl
1. How did Baz Luhrman do this scene?
2. Watch Zeffirelli version. Differences? What do we think?
Journal #4: What is the dramatic effect of beginning a play or a movie with a fight scene? Can you think of other examples?
3. Cast Parts for a Read-through
4. Stage Directions
5. Puns
6. Let's make swords!
7. If time, block the scene!
Tomorrow, we will finish blocking this scene and acting it out, so if you want to bring any props or costumes for your characters, do so!
Share out contents of Scavenger Hunt. Turn in if you have not done so already!
What other questions do we have right now?
Shakespearean Insults! Let's hurl them.
Craft Multiple Insults
Work with a partner to find definitions
Partner A, Partner B
Montagues and Capulets!
Scene 1.1: A Civil Brawl
1. How did Baz Luhrman do this scene?
2. Watch Zeffirelli version. Differences? What do we think?
Journal #4: What is the dramatic effect of beginning a play or a movie with a fight scene? Can you think of other examples?
3. Cast Parts for a Read-through
4. Stage Directions
5. Puns
6. Let's make swords!
7. If time, block the scene!
Tomorrow, we will finish blocking this scene and acting it out, so if you want to bring any props or costumes for your characters, do so!
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Friday, January 11th
Finish Romeo + Juliet
Journal #3: React to the experience of watching Shakespeare as cinema. How does seeing the actors bring the story to life change your interpretation of the story?
Homework: Finish Scavenger Hunt (due Monday)
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Thursday, January 10
Choral Reading: Romeo and Juliet Prologue
What is this story about? Major themes?
Start Romeo + Juliet
(“Annotate” the film with the seminar prep in mind)
- Are Romeo and Juliet truly in love? Did Shakespeare mean for us to interpret it as real love?
- Which character in the play is the most to blame for the events of this tragedy?
- What are some themes and issues in Romeo and Juliet that are still relevant today? What about this play can you relate to our times, either personally or generally?
- Compare and contrast the two movie versions that we watched. (Be sure to discuss similarities as well as differences.
- Why do people still connect to Shakespeare 400 years later?
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