Sunday, January 13, 2019

Monday, January 14

DEBRIEF the film and the project so far.

Share out contents of Scavenger Hunt Turn in if you have not done so already!
What other questions do we have right now?

Shakespearean Insults!  Let's hurl them.
Craft Multiple Insults
Work with a partner to find definitions
Partner A, Partner B
Montagues and Capulets!

Scene 1.1: A Civil Brawl
1. How did Baz Luhrman do this scene?
2. Watch Zeffirelli version.  Differences?  What do we think?

Journal #4:  What is the dramatic effect of beginning a play or a movie with a fight scene?  Can you think of other examples?

3. Cast Parts for a Read-through
4. Stage Directions
5. Puns
6. Let's make swords!
7. If time, block the scene!

Tomorrow, we will finish blocking this scene and acting it out, so if you want to bring any props or costumes for your characters, do so!