1. Starter: Next to each prompt, create a shorthand list of your responses to the belief statements (A, SA, D, SD). Answer quickly, and set it aside for later use.
3. Freewrite: Pick one of the belief statements from 4 corners and free-write for 10 minutes.
- Why do you agree or disagree with the statement?
- What personal experience has shaped this belief?
4. Belief Statement Group Acticity
6. Reflection Critique Read-Around
Add comments and questions about how your peers could improve their essays. Questions can be really helpful to indicate where they could possibly clarify or add content.
I am still getting pics around for your DP updates. I will share a folder with you guys. Everyone has an extension on getting me your DP link until next week.
If you are completely finished with your reflection essay, spend some time browsing the This I Believe archive. Read the essays or listen to the podcast versions. You can browse by themes here.