Shakespeare Research Labs

Macbeth Independent Research
1.      Research the “real” Macbeth.  In a short essay write the history surrounding him?
2.      Research the Globe Theater and follow the hyperlink to take a virtual tour of the Globe, and then create a visual layout of the theater.  Additionally, answer the following questions.
a.       What was the culture surrounding theater? 
b.      How did classism play a role? 
c.       What was theater life like for the actors?   
3.      Write a well-developed paragraph discussing Shakespeare’s life.  Some things to discuss are:
a.       What was Shakespeare’s life like? 
b.      How was his upbringing?
c.       What class(es) was he a part of? 
d.      What was his familial situation? 
e.       Love life?
4.      Famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud believed that the unconscious mind was divided into three parts: the id, ego, and superego.  Find out how each of these parts is related and then assign characters in Macbeth to each of these parts of the mind.  Why do you believe these are fitting characters?
5.      Create a map of historical Scotland showing the locations from Macbeth.  Give a short description of what happened in each location.
6.      Shakespeare fills his plays with ancient mythology.  Explain the meaning behind these references and what meaning they give to Macbeth.
a.       Page 3: “The thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict; / Till that Bellona’s bridegroom, lapped in proof, / Confronted him with self comparison.”
b.      Page 20: “[. . .] witchcraft celebrates / Pale Hecate’s offerings.”
7.      In Shakespeare’s time witchcraft was not just something seen in plays.  It was widely believed that witches existed in Elizabethan England.  What was the process for determining if someone was a witch?  What was the punishment?  How prevalent was witchcraft believed to be?
8.      Though Shakespeare wrote Macbeth during the Elizabethan era around the year 1606, the play is set in the medieval period in the 11th century.  The play opens with a battle scene, but little is told about the details of the battle.  What were some of the battle tactics during the medieval period?  What were some of the weapons used?  What special functions did these weapons have in battle?  Include pictures of the weapons.
9.      Shakespeare was revolutionary in his use of words.  Throughout many of his plays he coined words, colloquialisms, and sayings that are still used today.  Search some of the words and phrases Shakespeare coined in his plays and provide the definitions/meanings.
10.   In Shakespeare’s time it was believed that there were 4 bodily humours that were associated with temperaments and health.  Find out what these 4 humours were and what mood they were associated with.  It was believed that an imbalance in the humours would cause health defects.  What health issues are associated with these imbalances?  What remedies were used to treat these conditions?