Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Scene Work: Blocking

Blocking a scene
1.                  Where does the scene take place?  What equipment, furniture, props will you use in your scene?
2.                  Entrances and exits – Look at the text for clues.   Who should come on stage from where? With whom? Why?  How will the characters enter?
3.                  Where will each actor be during the scene?  What movements must they make throughout the scene?
4.                  Who’s the most important person in the scene? Who thinks they are the most important person in the scene? How will we show this?
5.                  How will the cast show the personalities of the different characters through movement, blocking and tone?

Journal #6:  How are things going for your group so far?  What is working well?  What is difficult?  What do you need to work on most tomorrow?