Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Mini-lesson:  Noun Phrase Appositives

Narwhals, the magical unicorns of the sea, do not actually exist.

Add one or more NPA's to your essay!

Draft due to me on Thursday by 5 pm!  Please review my rough draft policy:

Rough Draft Policy
With major writing assignments and essays, I spend a great deal of time giving feedback on your writing.  However, this feedback is not helpful if students do not put serious effort into the draft that I receive for feedback purposes.  The following is a list of minimum standards you must meet to receive my feedback.
Minimum Standards for Feedback:
1.      The essay must have a title, 12 point font, and 1inch margins.
2.      The essay must be at least the minimum page limit.
3.      The essay must be double-spaced.
4.      At least 2 different sources of information are quoted or paraphrased (for essays/research papers).
5.      The author has attempted to set-up every quotation.
6.      The author has cited each piece of evidence in the correct format.
7.      The essay must be spellchecked and free of typos (If I find more than 3 typos I stop giving feedback).
8.      The essay must be free of slang and IM speak (Spell ‘you’ as ‘u’ even once and you get no feedback).
9.      Significant changes must have been made to peer-revised draft.