Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One Day Until Exhibition!!!!

Last Class Day for Project Work!!!!!

Your essay is due at the beginning of class tomorrow, printed out and in compliance with the guidelines below.  Your mask is also due at the beginning of class tomorrow.  THERE WILL BE NO PROJECT WORK TIME TOMORROW!!!

Exhibition Logistics

Essay for Exhibition
1.  Standard Font, 11 or 12 point.
2.  Single-spaced
3.  Title:  centered, bold or underlined, 14 or 16 pt. font
4.  Name as header, right justified
5.  Backed by black construction paper

YOU for exhibition
1.  Professional dress
2.  10-15 minutes early at Fairgrounds
3.  You are responsible for transporting your entire project
4.  Exhibition is 5-7 pm.  You must stay the whole time.
5.  You ditch, you fail.