Thursday, October 18, 2018

Friday, October 19

Welcome, James!

TO-DO List for Today
1. Mask Sketching
2. Essay Brainstorming

  • What might you write your essay about? Make a list, 

3. Read Mexican White Boy (check reading guide here)
4. If you finish the novel early, you can begin to write the seminar prep. (see questions below)

SEMINAR PREP Mexican White Boy

  1. What masks do the characters in this book wear? Choose one characters to answer this question. (How might their outward identity be in conflict with their inner life?)
  2. How have the characters in this book been socialized into their identities? Choose one character to answer this question.
  3. How much control do we have to choose our own identities?  How much is determined by the life we were born into and how much is our own personal creation? Use the characters from the book as evidence of your answer.
  4. What makes for beautiful prose in literature? Choose a striking quote from the book and explain why it impacts you.