Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"The Yellow Wallpaper"

Questions for Group Discussion
1.  Describe the setting of “The Yellow Wallpaper.”  Identify examples in the text where the setting is particularly well-developed.  Why is the setting significant to the story?
2.  What is the narrative style of the story?  Why is this significant?
3.  How does the narrative voice change throughout the story?  Why is this significant?
4.  How is the narrator’s husband characterized?  Identify specific examples from the text that give you clues about him.  (What does he say and do?)  Why is the husband’s character significant?
5.  What is the significance of the woman in the wallpaper?
6.  How do you interpret the ending of the story?
7.  What do you think is the author’s message?
8.  Discuss:  Did you like this story?  Why or why not?

Homework:  "Sweat" by Zora Neale Hurston