How will you reveal your character(s)?
Answer some or all of the following questions.
1. ACTIONS: What will your character do that reveals who he/she is?
2. DIALOGUE: What will your character say? How will they talk?
3. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: What does your character look like?
4. IDIOSYNCRASIES: Does your character have any peculiar characteristics?
5. OBJECTS/POSSESSIONS: Does your character possess anything that reveals his/her character?
6. REACTIONS: How will your character react to the events of the plot?
7. THOUGHTS: What does your character think about?
8. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: What background info could you give your audience about your character?
SHORT STORY LEADS: How will you begin your story?
Try to write (or re-write) the beginning of your story so that it is engaging to your reader. See the handout in your packet for ideas on how to start your story.
Homework: Keep drafting your story...