Sunday, September 30, 2018

Monday, October 1

Starter 10.1:  Interpret the quote and connect it to the Cycle of Socialization.
“So while we as good men don’t perpetrate the violence, we are part of the collective socialization, the fertile ground that’s required for the violence to exist.”

Trailer: Miss Representation (This full film is on Netflix.  I HIGHLY recommend watching it, for both boys and girls.)

Debrief The Mask You Live In and make connections to the Cycle.
1. Get out Harro reading. Look at the last few sections called “Enforcements,” “Results,” “Actions,” and “The Core of the Cycle” (pp. 49-51). Find a quote from each of these sections that you can relate to the film we watched on Friday or to the ideas we viewed in the trailer for Miss Representation. Share out.
2. Review together “Choosing the Directions for Change”
How might people break the cycle of toxic masculinity that negatively impacts our culture? How can we contribute to a cycle of positive socialization?

Read/annotate for tomorrow: Transgender History

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Friday, September 28th

Image result for the mask you live in
(If you are absent, this film is on Netflix)

The Mask You Live In Film Response: Write a well-developed paragraph that connects this film to the other concepts and ideas we have been discussing in class. (Typed and shared with me is fine, or you can write it neatly and turn it in the box.)

Thursday, September 27

Yesterday's Seminar, continued.....

Seminar Reflection:

  1. What was something an individual said in the opposite seminar that really stood out to you or made you think differently about an idea? What did you learn from listening to the opposite gender talk about their experiences?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between what boys go through and what girls go through?
  3. Is Rosalind Wiseman mostly right about the teenage experience in our culture? Did you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing?

Monday, September 24, 2018

Tuesday, September 25

Starter:  4 CORNERS
  • Women are naturally more nurturing and caring than men
  • Men are not judged by their appearance as much as women are
  • Women and men are only different because of what they are taught by society
  • Men and women are treated equally in US society

Gender Norms and Stereotypes

The Good Wife’s Guide (1955) and The Insult that Made Mac a Man (1972)

  • What are the messages about gender norms?
  • Have things changed?
  • What is still the same?

In groups:  Brainstorm gender norms and stereotypes for each gender.

“Act Like a Man”

“Be Ladylike”

Work Time:
Read/Annotate chapter from Queen Bees and Wannabes

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Monday, September 24th

Starter: Dance Party

Discuss this T-shirt:

Is this a problem?
Are people too sensitive?

Masky Mondays!
Trimming, Sanding, and Plaster of Paris

Read and annotate: Gender specific article from Queen Bees and Wannabes
"Cliques and Popularity" (Girls)
"Boy World" (Boys)


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thursday, September 20

Verbal Starter: What is one connection you have made so far between the book and the class content?

Finish American Born Chinese

Seminar Prep Questions
Please answer thoroughly in writing for Thursday’s seminar.  Use EVIDENCE to support your answers.  
1.  What is the main message of this book?  Support your answer with examples from the text.
2.  How does the story connect to identity and socialization?  (Again, use evidence/examples from the text...)
3.  Even if you are not Chinese, how can you relate to this story?

Seminar Norms:
1. Dialogue, NOT debate
2. Be polite!  Don’t talk over each other.
3. Hard on content, soft on people
4. Clarify and question
5. Define your terms
6. Stay open minded, but don’t let your brain fall out
7. Don’t assume that the text has all the answers
8. Participate!

Conversation Movers
1. I respectfully disagree with the point that ____ made, because…
2. Hmmm, I’m confused about what _____ said…
3. I’d like to comment further on what _____ said…
4. I’d like to move on from this topic/discuss a new question…
5. I’d like to make a connection between…
6. Here on page ____ , we see…

Seminar Rubric and Self-Assessment

Friday, September 21

American Born Chinese Socratic Seminar

Seminar Prep Questions
Please answer thoroughly in writing for Thursday’s seminar.  Use EVIDENCE to support your answers.  
1.  What is the main message of this book?  Support your answer with examples from the text.
2.  How does the story connect to identity and socialization?  (Again, use evidence/examples from the text...)
3.  Even if you are not Chinese, how can you relate to this story?

Seminar Norms:
1. Dialogue, NOT debate
2. Be polite!  Don’t talk over each other.
3. Hard on content, soft on people
4. Clarify and question
5. Define your terms
6. Stay open minded, but don’t let your brain fall out
7. Don’t assume that the text has all the answers
8. Participate!

Conversation Movers
1. I respectfully disagree with the point that ____ made, because…
2. Hmmm, I’m confused about what _____ said…
3. I’d like to comment further on what _____ said…
4. I’d like to move on from this topic/discuss a new question…
5. I’d like to make a connection between…
6. Here on page ____ , we see…

Seminar Rubric and Self-Assessment/Reflection

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Wednesday, September 19

Starter 9.19:  Interview with the director that made The Problem with Apu
Relate what you have heard here to something you read in "The Cycle of Socialization"

Reading time for American Born Chinese

Post-it notes annotations!  Woohoo!

Seminar Prep Questions

Please answer thoroughly in writing for Thursday’s seminar.  Use EVIDENCE to support your answers.  
1.  What is the main message of this book?  Support your answer with examples from the text.
2.  How does the story connect to identity and socialization?  (Again, use evidence/examples from the text...)
3.  Even if you are not Chinese, how can you relate to this story?

Monday, September 17, 2018

Tuesday, September 18

Starter 9.18:  Watch the following video and discuss the question below.  What does this have to do with what you read? Why should we study a theoretical framework for oppression?

Group reading of the Cycle
  • Compile a vocabulary list!  
  • Work through the reading, identifying main ideas and clarifying meaning.
  • Do you need help finishing the reading guide?

If you are finished, you can preview the graphic novel American Born Chinese.  We will spend tomorrow reading it in class and preparing for a Socratic seminar on Thursday.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Monday, September 17

Hello, students!  I do hope you all have a wonderful Monday. I look forward to discussing the reading with you tomorrow. 

Please read the Cycle of Socialization (perhaps for the 2nd time?) and complete the reading guide.  If you finish early, feel free to preview the graphic novel by the door, American Born Chinese.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Friday, September 14

Starter 9.14: “If we just began to appreciate differences and treat each other with respect, then there would be no oppression.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Why?

DEFINE: Oppression

The Atom Game: Let’s move:)
  • How much control do you have over your life?
  • Do we live in a competitive society? If yes/no explain.
  • How much influence does the media have on you?
  • What messages have you received from schools about who you are?
  • What ways do you feel like your parents?
  • Have you ever seen someone being unkind and did nothing about it?
Important Vocab: oppression, pervasive, consciousness, assumptions, dehumanized, discomfort, discrimination, enforcements, disempowered, hierarchy

Why is it important to study oppression?

Read and annotate “The Cycle of Socialization” by Bobbie Harro
For each paragraph, mark 1-2 sentences that you feel capture the main idea of what the paragraph is trying to say.  As you work through the article, improve your vocabulary! Complete the vocabulary inference grid to keep track of new words.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thursday, September 13

Starter 9.13: What do you consider to be the major influences on your own personal identity? How have these influences shaped you?

Sociology Lecture, cont’d

Agents of Socialization
Brainstorm: How are we socialized into positive and negative behaviors?

The Atom Game: Let's Move!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Tuesday, September 11


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Friday, September 7

To Roxy's to finish our Looking Glass Self Memes!

Roses and Thorns

Thursday, September 6

Starter 9.6: What is one thing that surprised, struck, or confused  you from the reading? PAIR SHARE

Socialization textbook reading
  • Review main ideas
  • Nature v. Nurture
  • What are the implications for other members of society (besides these extreme cases)? What connections can we make between this information and other issues/ideas?

The Looking Glass Self (p 75)
Looking Glass Self Meme Photoshop Challenge!
Design Your Meme!

Freewrite 9.6:  How do you see the concept of the looking-glass self playing out in teenage life?  In your own identity?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wednesday, September 5

FREEWRITE 9.5:  Describe the culture you grew up in.  What are some ways that your culture has impacted your identity. Include any discussion of how your subcultures (or counterculture) may have shaped you.

Sociology Part 2
What is Socialization?
Feral Children: The Case of Genie Wiley

Reading: Textbook Chapter Socialization 
Reading Guide (please complete reading guide as you work through the chapter)

Monday, September 3, 2018

Tuesday, September 4

Starter 9.4: What subcultures are you a part of?  Does your subculture ever run against the grain of the dominant mainstream culture? In what ways?

CULTURE work from Friday: Culture Collage, Culture Activities, Annotated textbook chapter on Culture
1. Culture Collage Gallery Walk
2. Share out examples of your culture activities. Leave yours out so I can check it.
3. Textbook chapter.  PAIR SHARE something you annotated when you read.
4. Group work on the Culture reading.

FREEWRITE 9.4:  Describe the culture you grew up in.  What are some ways that your culture has impacted your identity.