Friday, March 22, 2013

In-class Essay: Is organic food worth the extra cost?

In-Class Essay Rubric

When you finish your essay, email it to:

When you finish, watch the puppet show!!
Morning Class:
Afternoon Class:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

SAC/In-class writing prep

Food #9:  What is your strongest piece of evidence?  Why will it be convincing?

20 minutes to get ready with your partner and organize your opening argument.

SAC Debates!
1. Yes: opening argument (3 minutes)
2.  No: repeat back main points of argument (2 minutes)
3.  No: opening argument (3 minutes)
4.  Yes:  Repeat back main points of argument (2 minutes)
5.  Open debate (10 minutes)
6.  Consensus building (5 minutes)
7.  Debrief (10 minutes)

Essay Outline for tomorrow's in-class writing!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Concessives/Evidence Gathering for the SAC


Evidence Gathering for the SAC:
1.  Annotate silently with partner.
2.  After 1 article is annotated, discuss the evidence and main ideas with your partner.
3.  Divide the ideas and evidence among partners.
4.  Write up on worksheets individually.
5.  Repeat Steps 1-4

Use this form to collect your evidence.  If you don't finish, it's homework.

Be ready for tomorrow's SAC!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SAC: Is eating organic worth the extra cost?

Food #7:  What is your current relationship with organic food?  

Question:  What are the common motivations for eating organic?  Brainstorm a list.

Structured Academic Controversy:  Is eating organic food worth the extra cost?
1.  Read and annotate the sources below.  (If you are absent, print them out so that you can annotate them)
2.  Underline clues that point to the perspective and the opinion of the article.
3.  Sort the documents into three categories

Texts for the SAC:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Industrial Food

What are the advantages and disadvantages of industrial agriculture and meat production?

Make a T-chart in your notes

Advantages of Industrial Food System
Disadvantages of Industrial Food System

Clips from Food, Inc.
As we watch the film, we will keep our lists updated.

Food #5:  Write one detailed paragraph explaining the perspective of the film on industrial food.  Mention 3-5 supporting points that the film uses as evidence to support its perspective.

Read: "Myths and Facts About Meat Production" and explore  Continue to update your T-chart with the points and counterpoints of industrial agriculture.  

Food #6:  After reading through some of the counterpoints to Food, Inc’s arguments, has your reaction to the film changed at all?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Food Detectives Research!

If you are absent today, please print out the following assignment.  You will have to go to the grocery store to complete the assignment.

Food  Detectives Research Assignment

Part 3:  Conclusions
On a separate piece of paper, write 1-2 well-developed paragraphs that analyze what you learned from investigating the sources of your food.  What were you able to find out about your food sources?  How has investigating your food sources changed, expanded, or confirmed your thinking on what you are eating?
Staple your conclusions to this packet and hand it in to the inbox.  Due Monday, March 17.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Issues in Food: GMO's and Government Subsidies

GM foods:  pros and cons

How do you feel about the presence of GMO's in our food supply?

Food #4: Pick the three most important factors and explain why they are important and how they influence your perspective.

1.  Statement of opinion.
2.  Reason for opinion.
3.  Why are these reasons important?

clip:  Food, Inc. (view film from 1:06:12-1:16:, 38:)

Viewing Guide:  turn in to the inbox!!
How have food prices changed over the years?
Obesity trends over the years

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Starter:  Ronald McDonald images
Food #2:  What is your reaction to these images?

Active reading strategies:
1.  Predicting
2.  Connecting
3.  Visualizing
4.  Questioning and Clarifying
5.  Evaluating
6.  Annotating

Principles of Utilitarianism:  Powerpoint

Homework:  Read and annotate "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift

Click here for an audio version of the text.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Intro: Food and Ethics

Guiding question: What is our relationship with food? 
1.       Read the poem Comfort Food by Raymond A. Foss

a.       Comfort Food by Raymond A. Foss
Dinner after dinner, as the weather changed
we enjoyed, were warmed, comforted
by staples, meals we love, count on
hearty beef stew, shepherd’s pie,
steak and potatoes, lasagna, cheese cake
Mmmm, so good, smiles welling up on
the family’s faces, shining in the glow
of the warm feelings of our tummies
after the fruits of her labors
slice past the tastebuds,
knowing the skill and finesse,
expressions of love,
coming in the next one
or in seconds tonight.

b.      Respond in you writer’s notebook, under the title Food #1 what emotions, thoughts, and feelings the poem brings out in you.
2.       Analyze your eating habits.
a.       What healthy habits do you have?  How could you improve?  How does eating/food help create a sense of community with those you eat with?
3.       What sort of meaning does food have for you and others?
a.       Is there social importance related to food?
                                                               i.      Consider birthdays, holidays, and the memories you have that are associated with food.
b.      Is there personal meaning brought to our relationship with food?
                                                               i.      What emotions are connected with eating?
                                                             ii.      Boredom? Happiness? More?
4.       Read the introduction to The Omnivore’s Dilemma.

Guiding question: What are ethics and how do we navigate challenging situations using ethical behavior?
5.       How do you define “ethics”?
6.       Why are ethics important to society?
a.       What would happen if ethical behavior was unimportant?
                                                               i.      Brainstorm some ethical/moral behaviors and think about their importance.
7.       Write your own personal code of ethics.
a.       What ethics/morals are important to you and why?
8.       Analyze an ethical dilemma and determine the proper action.
a.       How did you come to your decision?
b.      Dilemma:  You have an opportunity for an internship at a respected business in the community. Part of your qualifications comes from a senior project that you worked on with several other students. Through the interview process, you discover that you are given credit for a key section of the project that really impressed the company. In fact, another member of your senior team, with little input from you, did that section. How do you proceed?